New Member
Yes! Now if it works, thank you very much Appyet!
Change log:
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Feed article title and description are not updated when Feed article are changed
Me tooFeed module : don't see any difference between layouts "card list" and "list"
Attach screenshot for card list and listMe too
Inviato dal mio LG-P760 con AppYet
From screenshot there are obvious differences, card list background has shadow card on each list itemattached : 4 screenshots of the 4 possibilities of disposition : grid, list, card list, magazine
no difference between list and card list
Ok now it work fine!
What are the changes from the previous version of jquery file?
People who use a smartphone "Wiko Rainbow"
@appyet Before, iwas updating an article with changin its title but it doesnt work any more.how to publish an updated version of an article?
Sent from my A0001 using AppYet
Am I the only one have such issueCM12 Disqus still cannot login, even the update say it fixed the cookie. Id that the issue of webkit installed from the system?