Change log:
- Android: Explore Module: Fixed issue when removed Feed module, get re-added, feed count and article is not sync properly
- Android: Fixed when Default Display language is set to RTL, on first application start, it display as LTR, which result in layout issue.
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Feed article title and description are not updated when Feed article are changed
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed 1 pixel image is displayed as thumbnail in WordPress feed
- Android: Updated jquery library from 1.8.3 to 2.1.3
- Android: Change pull down refresh to lollipop style
- Android: Web Module: Fixed Web Module cookie issue
- Android: New feature to allow download image in Image Viewer.
- Android: Download Module: Fixed file name extension duplicate.
- Android: Explore Module: Fixed issue when removed Feed module, get re-added, feed count and article is not sync properly
- Android: Fixed when Default Display language is set to RTL, on first application start, it display as LTR, which result in layout issue.
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Feed article title and description are not updated when Feed article are changed
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed 1 pixel image is displayed as thumbnail in WordPress feed
- Android: Updated jquery library from 1.8.3 to 2.1.3
- Android: Change pull down refresh to lollipop style
- Android: Web Module: Fixed Web Module cookie issue
- Android: New feature to allow download image in Image Viewer.
- Android: Download Module: Fixed file name extension duplicate.