AppYet v3.1.15 to v3.1.17 Released


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Staff member
- Android: Improved Iad to reduce unnecessary iAd request with no impression
- Android: Fixed notification is not showing
- Android: Change Notification Icon background to match actionbar bgcolor
- Android: Change Notification to remove progress bar.
- Android: Change Notification to show new articles without waiting for images to complete download
- Android: Upgraded third party libraries

- Android: Fixed new format YouTube feed doesn't show YouTube thumbnail with play button
- Android: Fixed Feed Article share button don't behave as intended

- Android: New Map (MapBox) module (Beta)
- Android: New Twitter module (Beta)
- Android: Tweak application startup, reduce initial start up and resume time.
- Android: Bring back Feed: YouTube module button. It support new YouTube Feed formats:
- Android: Change Notification to Inbox Style, allow user to pull down notification to see first 5 items of downloaded new articles
- Android: Fixed IAD doesn't display on some of devices
- Android: Update all existing application to open All Unread Module when new article is synced

- Web: Setting Tab: Add option to hide/show Display Language in Settings Module
- Web: New Map (MapBox) module (Beta)
- Web: New Twitter module (Beta)
- Web: Default Icon Color
- Web: Settings Tab: it is now customizable to open a module (eg: All Unread module) when user click on Notification
- Web: Fixed Create new app from Template, uploaded icons are not created for new app
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Support Team Member
Staff member
1 - Problem when access to setting

2 - insert PlayList for YouTube
what is problem with setting? more detail please
Playlist YouTube Rss feed is not supported by google any more
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Support Team Member
Staff member
Quick fix released.
- Android: Fixed new format YouTube feed doesn't show YouTube thumbnail with play button
- Android: Fixed Feed Article share button don't behave as intended


Support Team Member
Staff member
Setting tab crash issue should be fixed now, please try again, and report back


Support Team Member
Staff member
why the interstitial ad won't show on banner ad show on bottom.?
what do you mean?

interstitial ad is should be time frequency set in Montenize tab + "Show Interstitial Ad:", it is only triggered when both condition are met


Support Team Member
Staff member
interstitial ads are already on. frequency is set 30 minutes. But these ad don't show on app
you will hae to wait for 30 mins to show first interstitial Ad, for testing, try 1 min, after setting change, rebuild, uninstall previous version, and install new version, and see if the interstitial Ad show up each minutes