YouMobile™ Android News

joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
YouMobile® App will feed you with latest Android News On-The-Go to Read it & Keep it on your device. is publishing Articles, Reviews, Rooting Tutorials, Apps, Specifications and Firmware Updates about the Latest and Upcoming Smartphones, Tablets & Wearables devices Daily from all the major Tech giants. Not just this, we also provide Exclusive Update Tracking services for HTC and Samsung users. by


YouMobile 2.8 Features :
★ SONY Updates section Added.
★ NEXUS Updates section Added.

Mobile-friendly Website version.
LIVE! YouFirmware feed added to "UPDATES" section in order to keep you updated with latest Samsung Firmwares released directly from KIES servers.
★ ALL Firmware & Updates section added to gather all our official Feeds in one page to check all updates at once.
HTC Updates Section Added.
OnePlus Specs section Added.
Floating Action Button for article's sharing.
Improved Material Design User Interface.
Material Design menu.
Material Design web content.
Improved Specs section devices view.
Optimized Text and Images Handling.
Expandable and Heads-up Notifications.
Major Performance Enhancements.
Ability to switch App themes (Light / Dark).


Smartphones Screenshots :

youmobile (1).png youmobile (2).png youmobile (3).png youmobile (4).png youmobile (5).png youmobile (6).png youmobile (11).png

Tablets Screenshots :

youmobile (9).png youmobile (8).png youmobile (7).png

Last edited:

joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
Love it! it is very nice to see great app builders creating awesome apps. Your great suggestions has helped every app builders in this community

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using AppYet Forum Test

Thank you, and i will continue helping members and suggesting features to improve appyet.

BTW, I see that you're using a SM-G900W8, your lollipop is on its way...


Ciao Nichi ... finalmente un'altro italiano...
si anche io vorrei sapere come si fa a cambiare colore alla barra "visita sito web"
ma credo che prenda i colori della barra sopra ovvero "Action Bar" dal menu Themes



New Member
Ciao Salvatore :)
No, non credo, perchè anche io ho utilizzato temi differenti e modificato i colori, ma a me il link Visita Sito Web rimane grigio :p


Grazie molte per la risposta... chiedo se in questo forum in lingua inglese è possibile scambiare messaggi in modo privato per evitare che disturbiamo gli altri che non capiscono l'italiano

joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
I will also like to know how do you change the color bar "visit website"
how did you change color to what I have highlighted?
It's delicious : D

Here you go guys, All you need to do is add the code below to the "Extra HTML Header". Replace "background-color:#124a9c" with any color you want.

<style type="text/css">
.appyet_visitwebsite {background-color:#124a9c !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;margin-top:30px !important;}
a.appyet_visitwebsite {font-weight:bold !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;text-shadow:none !important;font-family:sans-serif !important;font-size:x-large !important;}

Here's where you should add this code on the feed settings "Extra HTML Header":



Here you go guys, All you need to do is add the code below to the "Extra HTML Header". Replace "background-color:#124a9c" with any color you want.

<style type="text/css">
.appyet_visitwebsite {background-color:#124a9c !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;margin-top:30px !important;}
a.appyet_visitwebsite {font-weight:bold !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;text-shadow:none !important;font-family:sans-serif !important;font-size:x-large !important;}

Here's where you should add this code on the feed settings "Extra HTML Header":

View attachment 158


Enable checkbox when Extra HTML Header contains THIS syntax ?

The code extra html is JQuery syntax?



New Member
Ciao Nichi ... finalmente un'altro italiano...
si anche io vorrei sapere come si fa a cambiare colore alla barra "visita sito web"
ma credo che prenda i colori della barra sopra ovvero "Action Bar" dal menu Themes

Eh ... Salvatore CIAO .. ci sono anch'io !! Rinaldo direttamente da Padova