New Menu


New Member
Hello to all ,
I ask you for information on the order of disposition of the various items. In the old system or the one with the menu on the left the order was respected but with the new one the various items are arranged it seems to me randomly.
Is it possible to keep the order set as before, that is, if there are 4 icons at most per row, choose which ones before moving on to the second row?
Thank you in advance


Support Team Member
Staff member
Sorry for the late response, order is not followed in Settings->Navigation Mode: Home Launcher at this moment, but we will consider for the future release .

Settings->Navigation Mode: Menu Drawer (Classsic) still as like V3, order are followed


New Member
Thank you for your reply
Unfortunately I have to keep the classic version as the beautiful new version, having random icons, is not the best as a presentation.
I would give top priority to solving the problem to enhance the new launcher