LATEST: AppYet v4.2.7 Released


New Member
Thanks for providing the test APKs, we could reproduce your problem, I would suggest for the images that have issue, please change your image url, this will force app to redownload the image, it should fix your problem.

Eg:, you can change it to
So I have to change the url in evey update? Also do you have any update on the live streams that they don't start from the live and instead they start from the first available part ( that can be hours ago)
PS, I tried changing the link of the images and the problem is still happening
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Alaa Ahmed

Active Member
@appyet in v4.2.3

- when search and add Feed from Explore, It is not added in "Placeholder" position, It is placed at the top of all feeds

- please change Arabic translation for
حذف كل المقروءة

- please change Arabic translation for
يرجى تأكيد رغبتك في المتابعة

- Please change the appearance of the message
To be like
delete_all and delete_all_read message
View attachment 2548


Support Team Member
Staff member
@appyet in v4.2.3

- when search and add Feed from Explore, It is not added in "Placeholder" position, It is placed at the top of all feeds

- please change Arabic translation for
حذف كل المقروءة

- please change Arabic translation for
يرجى تأكيد رغبتك في المتابعة

- Please change the appearance of the message
To be like
delete_all and delete_all_read message
View attachment 2548
Thanks for reporting these issues, Translations have been updated, please rebuild your app to see the changes


Support Team Member
Staff member
Thank you all for testing and reporting issues. v4.2.6 has been released with the following fixes, please report back for any more issues.
- Android: Fixed Crash when Podcast Download
- Android: Fixed Crash when navigating to Tab in Explore Module
- Android: Fixed share option menu not working on embedded Web Browser


@appyet not fixed yet:


Support Team Member
Staff member
@appyet not fixed yet:
At this moment, You need an Admob account and add your Admob publisher information in the Monetize tab, you can customize the GDPR message in the Admob Portal.


New Member
So I have to change the url in evey update? Also do you have any update on the live streams that they don't start from the live and instead they start from the first available part ( that can be hours ago)
PS, I tried changing the link of the images and the problem is still happening
@appyet any update on the live stream issues?


@appyet i cant translate this text i f i deceline Notifications and restart app.
So is there any chance to disble Notifications request at Start of App?


  • 1.jpg
    24.3 KB · Views: 4

Rinku kaushik

New Member
From 22 September 2023 sudden my app stop showing ads and impression is totally down. all setting and other things are fine in admob. my other app working fine but one of my app stop showing ads.. please fix this issue. i upgrade to latest version but same issue.
pacakage name

i also want to purchase pro version but paypal page show error.


Support Team Member
Staff member
From 22 September 2023 sudden my app stop showing ads and impression is totally down. all setting and other things are fine in admob. my other app working fine but one of my app stop showing ads.. please fix this issue. i upgrade to latest version but same issue.
pacakage name

i also want to purchase pro version but paypal page show error.
You should have received this email before, if you use app-ads.txt, please make sure add official AppYet publisher Ids as instructed in email. Let me know when it is done, we will restore your ads serving


We have disabled Ad serving to your application(s)

Please update your AdMob app-ads.txt to include official AppYet publisher Id as soon as possible to prevent loss of Ads revenue and AppYet account suspension, pub-2497154396304980, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4662800848106145, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8373638843792930, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Please reply to this email to confirm your change has been made. After your update, it could take our system up to 48 hours to restore Ad serving.

Thank you,



@appyet In my App de.cashback_by_premiumlizenz the App force closes after loading an external Website.

See in App at "Rabatt-Coupons". Site ist loading, App will force close.

Before newest Updates i Had No problems.


Support Team Member
Staff member
You should have received this email before, if you use app-ads.txt, please make sure add official AppYet publisher Ids as instructed in email. Let me know when it is done, we will restore your ads serving


We have disabled Ad serving to your application(s)

Please update your AdMob app-ads.txt to include official AppYet publisher Id as soon as possible to prevent loss of Ads revenue and AppYet account suspension, pub-2497154396304980, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4662800848106145, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8373638843792930, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Please reply to this email to confirm your change has been made. After your update, it could take our system up to 48 hours to restore Ad serving.

Thank you,

From 22 September 2023 sudden my app stop showing ads and impression is totally down. all setting and other things are fine in admob. my other app working fine but one of my app stop showing ads.. please fix this issue. i upgrade to latest version but same issue.
pacakage name

i also want to purchase pro version but paypal page show error.
It is still missing AppYet publisher ID

content of above link should look like the following:

Code:, pub-5459912670953813, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2497154396304980, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4662800848106145, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8373638843792930, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


after v4.2.2 android 9 all download link give white screen no download and when
Open in Default Browser: Open article links in system default browser all links open in browser and anyone can take the link please help
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