Automatic payment pro


New Member
Despite having paid via Paypal Pro subscription automatically two applications, they have passed the Lite type and include advertising in them.

I tried to contact by email Appyet but they have not answered me to solve this.

Tell me something or proceed to open an incident with Paypal to return the payment.

Hello, this is first time you switch to Pro, or is it a renew after an year? beacuse I have to renew my Pro subscription for my App and I don't know what to do and they @appyet doesn't answer


New Member
Here no one answers. The renewal of the PRO version of the application should be done in July, but have been made earlier this month automatically.

Yesterday hours change the expiration date and version of the application to PRO LITE, but today becomes expired and the LITE version.

I opened an impact on PAYPAL to at least give me back the money they charged me for anything.


Support Team Member
Staff member
Please let us know the package name of your apps has issue with Pro subscription.

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using AppYet
dear @appyet my App is com.gerelli.retroedicola and it will renew on May, 19 ... and I want to know if I have to do something or it is an auto-renew (because I have it on automatic paypal payments). Thank you


Support Team Member
Staff member

Both subscriptions were paid automatically with Paypal May 1

both of your apps have been upgraded to Pro with new Subscription until: 2016-08-01. Sorry for the issue and delay.


New Member
This is becoming a nightmare. Again to detect advertising applications I realize that I have removed the condition thereof Pro and I have relocated the Lite.

I hope your answer and that this, that occurs after removing the claim in Paypal is rectified.


New Member
both of your apps have been upgraded to Pro with new Subscription until: 2016-08-01. Sorry for the issue and delay.

As you can see by the date of capturing the screen, once eliminated the incidence in PayPal I have returned to remove Pro applications and me have changed Lite spite of our having paid.
I open a new incident? I will answer you?

appyet-2.jpg appyet-3.jpg


Support Team Member
Staff member
sorry for the trouble, it turn out your automatic payment eventualy went through after we made manual change to your subscription, which caused confusion in our system, and cause the expiry date to roll back. we have fixed your subscription with added months: 2016-10-01.


New Member
I hope this time is final.
I have given a vote of confidence and I have renewed the PRO of other applications of my subscription, and has done so instant and correct.
Now what I hope is that the advertising of these two applications is eliminated soon.