AppYet v3.1.8 Released


New Member
also menu is sooooo big :D

I have 20 items now. In future i think put also 10-20 item.



New Member
Todos esperamos con ansias la actualizacion de AppYet con la nueva API de YouTube, estaremos esperando mientras tanto usar lo que queda a lo manual xd


New Member
Disqus is still not working.

Can you use the youtube API to pull youtube feeds/content From a User ID/Search Term/Playlist/Channel.


New Member
Who know how work the icon notification? When come a notification on the top of smartphone the icon is circle and white not what i setted in the web, what i setted in the web is out in notification message not at top, but in the popup notification.... and is small too.... what is wrong? what is my error? what characteristic must have the app icon image?? not colored?

Maybe you should try with a bigger image.
also try an upload a snapshot of what you are trying to describe so that one can see what the problem might be.