AppYet v3.1.10 to v3.1.14 Released


Active Member
@appyet And to make big the notification, the titles of the new items are visible. AND MAKE NOTIFICATIONS FOR ANDROID WEAR!


joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
@Daniel Kasal, This issue is caused by open source image library we used. we have reported issue to library developer, hopefully they will fix it soon. as result, we are not able to fix it in the new release. will upgrade as soon as library developer has it fixed. tks

Did the developer responded to the bug report with any ETA ?


Support Team Member
Staff member

joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
No, there are no response yet. it is only affect jpg image with thumbnail in EXIF meta data, any other type of images don't get affected.
eg: this image:

Image metadata can be view using this link: (

Sadly, I use the same JPEG type on some of my images. Thank you and awaiting the new update.

Also, any plans to include new features on this list

Daniel Kasal

New Member
@Daniel Kasal, This issue is caused by open source image library we used. we have reported issue to library developer, hopefully they will fix it soon. as result, we are not able to fix it in the new release. will upgrade as soon as library developer has it fixed. tks
So we must wait... I hope that will be fast :) Thank you


New Member
I think he's using content that is not his to use, in both cases with or without share button, the user will can get the article link by clicking on "visit website" at the end of each article in AppYet.

Your feed URL is safe but the user will see the article link, also share button is already there in the dropdown menu since version 3.0 so nothing new here.

Sorry late to reply this article.
yes I know this function was exist for a long time.
my problem is that we sell content to end-user using paid version of RSS reader.
if end-user know this feed URL , they can "guess" website and visit our blog directly. and
Why end-user need to buy paid version of this APP from Google Market? we must to hide our blog in the internet and feed our content only to who ordered our RSS reader APP.

second, why end-user can know feed URL , Some method can know them
a).click right-bottom share circle button in the webview
if we share by email, by message ,by line , by any text editor, by facebook , it can expose blog website
b).click right-top setting in the webview , and click share , same result as item 1
c).long-click text on the webview , the copy/paste/share will be shown on the top side , and caused by result as item 1

Some requirement need your help to add the feature in next released ( I cannot see 3.0.17 had improved)

the idea is for paid version only, for free version, it unnecessary to protect our free source. the main edit panel , to add a checkbox and show agree/disagree to share , we can select it before build
2.if we un-check the"share" feature, please disable a,b,c , if we check the "share"feature, it means that author don't care to share content to any APP installed on mobile device.
3.please also add a other checkbox to disable/enable copy/paste in the webview, we also need it to avoid end-user copy our content to share in their external editor.

I THINK IT'S VERY IMPORTANT CONCEPT for paid version so as to sell content unique , we need to think that if anybody can guess our blog address, it's not fair to your paid customer.

please help it, I am worry about it always.

Thanks a lot.

joseph raphael

Well-Known Member
Sorry late to reply this article.
yes I know this function was exist for a long time.
my problem is that we sell content to end-user using paid version of RSS reader.
if end-user know this feed URL , they can "guess" website and visit our blog directly. and
Why end-user need to buy paid version of this APP from Google Market? we must to hide our blog in the internet and feed our content only to who ordered our RSS reader APP.

second, why end-user can know feed URL , Some method can know them
a).click right-bottom share circle button in the webview
if we share by email, by message ,by line , by any text editor, by facebook , it can expose blog website
b).click right-top setting in the webview , and click share , same result as item 1
c).long-click text on the webview , the copy/paste/share will be shown on the top side , and caused by result as item 1

Some requirement need your help to add the feature in next released ( I cannot see 3.0.17 had improved)

the idea is for paid version only, for free version, it unnecessary to protect our free source. the main edit panel , to add a checkbox and show agree/disagree to share , we can select it before build
2.if we un-check the"share" feature, please disable a,b,c , if we check the "share"feature, it means that author don't care to share content to any APP installed on mobile device.
3.please also add a other checkbox to disable/enable copy/paste in the webview, we also need it to avoid end-user copy our content to share in their external editor.

I THINK IT'S VERY IMPORTANT CONCEPT for paid version so as to sell content unique , we need to think that if anybody can guess our blog address, it's not fair to your paid customer.

please help it, I am worry about it always.

Thanks a lot.

Try using Yahoo Pipes it will protect the feed link. But if there is any link inside the article it will expose that link.