how to solve this alert?

Issue with your app​
Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the News policy. Apps that declare themselves as "News" in the Google Play console must meet the News policy requirements. Specifically, it appears that your app:
  • Does not contain a dedicated website or in-app page that is:
    • Clearly labelled as containing contact information;
    • Easy to find (e.g., linked at the bottom of the home page or in the site navigation bar); and
    • Provides valid contact information for the news publisher, including at least a contact email address and phone number.
      • Side Note: please provide a link to your website containing relevant contact information under Store presence > Store settings > Store listing contact details > Website in Play Console. If your app does not have a dedicated website, the relevant contact information must be provided within a clearly labelled in-app page.
Issue details
We found an issue in the following area(s):
  • In-app experience: Please see attached screenshot com.mix.educativa-InAppExperience-496.png