Change Notificantion Icon/Colors


New Member
i dont know if you will understand me..

but it need to change the "White" notification app, to a new one. how can i do it? now, i can see only the shape of the original icon.. all white inside.. i need to change to a icon with transparency inside the icon.
i'm sorry for my english.. very poor.. i hope you all understand what im saying.

other thing is: i need to change the color of the background in notification area..

now, they show me my full colored icon inside a BLUE circle.. i need to change the BLUE.. its possible?

thank you


New Member
I think a screenshot of it might help the developer team to understand better.

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Active Member
View attachment 390 View attachment 391

The White icon on first image and blue circle on second image
@gusta The problem you have with the icon: Android 5.0, the icons become white, so there's no solution, although you can use transparent colors (edit the icon with an editor in the computer, like GIMP, Greenfish of Photoshop).

The problem of the blue background, now, was sent to @appyet, but not sure it's settled. Some answer, @appyet?