

Please remove the Captcha system from the "Build" section, many developers that work in front of a PC are forced to resolve Captcha constantly, for this reason, Google bans IPs that resolve more than 10 Captcha a day. Currently there is no way to remove this ban, so it is impossible for us to pass these Captcha, no matter what method we use (sound or image), or how many times we capture the Captcha, even formatting the PC this problem is solved nor changing IP, nothing.

Please, reconsider removing it or use another system.

Thank you.


Por favor, remuevan el sistema de Captcha de la seccion "Build", muchos desarrolladores que trabajamos frente a un PC nos vemos obligados a resolver Captcha constantemente, por esta razon, Google banea las IP que resuelven mas de 10 Captcha al dia. Actualmente no existe forma alguna para quitar ese baneo, por lo que se nos es imposible pasar estos Captcha, no importa el metodo que usemos (sonido o imagen), ni cuantas veces acertemos el Captcha, inclusive, ni formateando la PC este problema se resuelve ni cambiando de IP, nada.

Por favor, reconsideren quitarlo.

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New Member
still a problem in 2021.... recaptcha, everybody knows it is a laggy buggy irritation that fails 66% dumb trash, that users just abandon the site... change it to hcaptcha or a previous version