LATEST: AppYet v4.2.7 Released


to, pub-2899666504956773, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2497154396304980, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4662800848106145, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8373638843792930, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

report back after it is done, we will re-enable the Ads

hello @appyet and thank you for all work you do. I have somme questions ans somme issues.
1- (problem with ADS), Since you asked me to change the settings in the file the ads do not work for me except interstitial ads.
this is my package name and downlead link

2- If I add your app-ads.txt codes in my site, can I also add my admobe ads.txt.

3-(problem with forum module), When I add a link to my forum, it does not work and an error message of Java appears .my link is
help plz


Support Team Member
Staff member
Hello @appyet After I rebuilt the application and installed it, I saw how the appyet's icon appears in each of my feeds how to delete. thanks
You can switch to old style by go to Setting and change to Navigation Mode->Menu Drawer (Classic). if it doesn't resolve your problem, reply with apk download link from build email


Support Team Member
Staff member
hello @appyet and thank you for all work you do. I have somme questions ans somme issues.
1- (problem with ADS), Since you asked me to change the settings in the file the ads do not work for me except interstitial ads.
this is my package name and downlead link

2- If I add your app-ads.txt codes in my site, can I also add my admobe ads.txt.

3-(problem with forum module), When I add a link to my forum, it does not work and an error message of Java appears .my link is
help plz
1. take up to 48 hours for system to update your users status.
2. yes, you should have your admob publisher info along with AppYet publisher info.
3. make sure your forum support and install tapatalk plugin


You can switch to old style by go to Setting and change to Navigation Mode->Menu Drawer (Classic). if it doesn't resolve your problem, reply with apk download link from build email

Explore menu not showing in menu drawer (classic), explore module is enabled


Support Team Member
Staff member
Great! Thanks @appyet. Another suggestion that I think is not very difficult to apply is that you allow disabling available languages in the app. Thank you!
support languages selection is already implemented, will be part of next release


New Member
hellow @appyet I'm working with u since 2018 and I really love your work guys, I have some questions:
  1. is it possible to change the articles pub date after editing or modifying them?
  2. why articles can't be deleted without reinstalling the app?
  3. do I need the pro version to push firebase notifications again?
and thank u again:oops:
Last edited:


New Member
Hello @appyet ,
Please add Background or shading on the text in the "Tile" layout. The titles of the feed articles is not clear.



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You can switch to old style by go to Setting and change to Navigation Mode->Menu Drawer (Classic). if it doesn't resolve your problem, reply with apk download link from build email
I switched to the classic menu but still did not lose the appyet icon, the error after bypassing the screen describing a new feature that the application does not switch to the default settings module. Here is the download link.


Active Member
@appyet .... there is a problem with facebook ad implementation. Had this from audience network concerning decline in fill rate. Can you tell us the exact Ad Units you have used in the version 4
'"Display format doesn't match
We don't respond to requests containing a display format that is different from the display format set in Monetization Manager. If we are frequently not responding to your requests for this reason, check the placement format settings in Monetization Manager match your integration.""

New Member
AppYet 4.0 Released, This is a major release, many improvements. Go to to upgrade your existing or create new apps.

Change Logs:

- Android: Fixed app crash on start in rare condition
- Android: New Layout: "List Rich", List with article snippet
- Website: New Feature "Search for Feed (Keywords or Url)", Create Feed Module using search, same search as in-app Explore.
- Website: Added Home Module to "New article open Module"

- Android: Removed Banner Ads from Web Module (cause Policy violation and crash)
- Android: Fixed Start Intro not display when background color not set
- Android: Updated support libraries

- Android: Fixed CRITICAL (CRASH) bug when user open Feed article in some condition
- Android: Fixed crash in some device when user try to change sort order
- Android: Fixed blank Menu Drawer in some condition
- Android: Fixed any change to subscription during Start Intro not reflected in Menu Drawer
- Android: Web Module Banner Ads will not show when it is link, or web content contain <iframe, <embed <object tags
- Website: Fixed Build Failed when user enter special charactors in Resource or App Names

- Android: Fixed Explore Tab, when disabling Home module, it disappeared
- Android: Fixed Media Module Name and Web Module Name with translation token not display properly
- Android: Fixed Menu Drawer is not hightlight (selected) correctly in some condition
- Android: Fixed Banner Ads not showing in Web Module
- Android: Improved bottom Ad Banner, only display in Article View/Forum View/Feed List/Web Module. Also fixed flicker
- Android: Notification Icon should work now
- Android: Start Intro can localize, also text color is base on background color
- Android: Fixed: When Explore is first Module in Class Menu Drawer mode, user first start can't get out of the screen
- Website: Settings->New customization: "Menu Drawer Icon Style"
- Website: Module Details->New customization: "Show in Menu Drawer" (This option only available when Navigation Mode is Home Launcher)

- Android: Explore Module improved feed search
- Android: Fixed: When Explore Channel(disable), Tab(enable), user can still unsubscribe channel
- Android: In Navigation Mode: Home Tab, all modules also show on Menu Drawer
- Android: Add Sync Now Menu Item to prevent Search Bar flicker
- Android: Fixed blank screen on first app launch in some conditions
- Android: New Intro Pages with Explore on first start
- Android: New Local.Audio Module and Improved layout for Local.Image/Local.Audio
- Android: Fixed: Web Module Search always find next, not able to find previous
- Android: Fixed: Customize Notificaton Icon is not working
- Android: Improved Explore Module, when user enable tab on module hasn't subscribed, it will automatically subscribed
- Android: Improved: In Navigation Mode: Home Tab, Home module can be disable, it will not show up in Explore Tab (For some app builders like to have fix number of modules, without Explore Channel nor Home Launcher. Just want Tabs)
- Android: Removed source link of media when play a video/audio online
- Android: Fixed: Open url link in media player description following Feed configuration ("Open in Default Browser")
- Android: Fixed: Mark all read for Feed Module not working for Feed Group created by user
- Android: Added Banner Ad to Article View, Local.Audio/Video/Image, Forum, Home Modules
- Android: Added IAd to Web Module
- Android: Improved ImageViewer performance for large image
- Website: Fixed Display Language set in Settings is not show in app
- Website: Settings->Search Style (Search Bar, Search Menu, Search Disabled)
- Website: Fixed Create using existing app as template, Media Module is not copied
- Website: For app setup with app-ads.txt, It is now mandatory for app builders to add AppYet Publisher Id entries to the app-ads.txt, without doing so, risk Ads serving disabled by AppYet
- Website: Explore Module -> Explore Tab -> new customization "Allow Create Group" (default off)
- Other fixes and improvements

V4.0.8 has been released with bugs fixes and improvements.
- Android: Critical - Fixed SSL Error Handler Vulnerability
- Android: Fixed Facebook IAd not showing
- Android: Web Module improvements
- Android: Home Module Launcher icon is not displayed in some condition
- Website: Fixed Web Module unable to enter complete html or javascript
- Website: Fixed Display Language set in Settings is not show in-app
Other improvements and fixes not listed

We will be looking for translators, if you could help, please email us: appyet at

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