AppYet v3.1.26 - v3.1.40 Released


Active Member
@appyet, some bugs to be fixed:
  • The Firebase Cloud Messaging notification takes as the notification icon the app icon insted the notification icon.
  • HTTPS urls don't work for me in the in-app browser.


Released a new template to fix a critical crash issue when user set the language to Japanese.

Change Log: v3.1.40
- Android: Critical: Fixed Display Language set to Japanese and app crash on start
- Android: Improved WebView Video Full-Screen Playback

In this version, external links open in webview despite setting to open in system default browser. The problem with this is that adsense ads show up with admobs.
It would be great to have this resolved once and for all.
Thanks and great job you guys have done


In this version, external links open in webview despite setting to open in system default browser. The problem with this is that adsense ads show up with admobs.
It would be great to have this resolved once and for all.
Thanks and great job you guys have done

Is a lie bro. I disagree with you saying that AdSense and admob show together. Maybe you did not do the necessity. Check well.


Till now, no new notification and have many new updates.
I think the notification stuff is OS dependent. like i have heard from one his OS sometimes don't allow some app to over use the cpu. so they can stop some app from working. his using OS 7


Support Team Member
Staff member
Change Log v3.1.40 - 2018/07/16 (Updated)
– Android: Updated Čeština (Czech) language support (Thanks to Daniel Kasal)

David Musk

New Member
Very unfortunate. I have 5 Apps of streaming tv complemented with news and one of them has died because I manage them with html5 to play the streaming but in that specific one no longer .. For the payment this month I had generated 7160 dollars with my Apps and now one to die for lack of that module. and the others are in danger because of the screen shutdown. Not only I am making money you too Unfortunately I will have to look at another platform and start again
best regards. As I had already mentioned my Apps are TV, Radio and News. And with the last update now I'm worse because the players with which I have managed using HTML now it is impossible to rotate, and can not be put full screen for more than I modified the code. Some solution please because the comments and negative stars are not stopping to get to my Apps that the one that had the lowest score was in 4.5 stars now they are very fast because of this problem. regards


Support Team Member
Staff member
best regards. As I had already mentioned my Apps are TV, Radio and News. And with the last update now I'm worse because the players with which I have managed using HTML now it is impossible to rotate, and can not be put full screen for more than I modified the code. Some solution please because the comments and negative stars are not stopping to get to my Apps that the one that had the lowest score was in 4.5 stars now they are very fast because of this problem. regards
Show us steps to reproduce your problem. And we will try to fix it in future release.

For app builders, it is important you test each build thoroughly before you release to your end users

David Musk

New Member
In web module. HTML Then erase everything and paste that code ede is the example 1

<title>Azteca 7</title>
<video autoplay="" controls="true" height="440" width="440"><source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="" type="video/webm" /></video>

Example 2

<title>Canal 5</title>



<p><br />

<video autoplay="true" class="video-js vjs-fluid vjs-default-skin" controls="true" id="example-video" poster="https://s26.postimg"><source src="" type="application/x-mpegURL" /></video>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><script type="text/javascript" src =""></script><script src=""></script><script>
(function(window, videojs) {
var player = window.player = videojs('example-video');
return false;
(window, window.videojs));

I understand that each app must be tested before launching but I remind you that they are TV Apps that should be updated almost daily and once I update even if I wanted to avoid it there was no way to avoid the new Appyet update and I could not leave the Apps without function. Greetings and success

David Musk

New Member
In web module. HTML Then erase everything and paste that code ede is the example 1

<title>Azteca 7</title>
<video autoplay="" controls="true" height="440" width="440"><source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="" type="video/webm" /></video>

Example 2

<title>Canal 5</title>



<p><br />

<video autoplay="true" class="video-js vjs-fluid vjs-default-skin" controls="true" id="example-video" poster="https://s26.postimg"><source src="" type="application/x-mpegURL" /></video>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><script type="text/javascript" src =""></script><script src=""></script><script>
(function(window, videojs) {
var player = window.player = videojs('example-video');
return false;
(window, window.videojs));

I understand that each app must be tested before launching but I remind you that they are TV Apps that should be updated almost daily and once I update even if I wanted to avoid it there was no way to avoid the new Appyet update and I could not leave the Apps without function. Greetings and success
Is there a tentative date to release an Appyet Native player or should I resign that the Apps Die?


Active Member
v3.1.40 is a stable version, no major issue reported so far, we are working on next major features, so there will not be any release in near future except language translation
There is the problem with the title in the Twitter module that I think it's an important issue...

Capture (1).PNG


New Member
@appyet Users complain that the status indicator in the article has disappeared in the new version. They can not determine the size of the article. Correct please, received many complaints.