Thanks Joseph for summarizing this feature request list. It is indeed getting harder for us to keep track of all.
We are wrapping up our current features, have sent out translation request. we want to get existing features stable, and push out a final v3.1 release as soon as we could. Many people are very eager wait for this release.
For any feature we could not implement in this up coming release, we will certainly consider them for the next version. so please continue submit your feature request and suggestions, they are extremely helpful.
I think that I find a bug. If you use a custom theme and the basic theme is the light one, the popup menu that appear when you tap on the three vertical dots has a dark background.
Is this a bug? Are going to fix it?
[IT] Penso di aver trovato un bug. Se si usa un tema personalizzato e si ha scelto come tema base quello chiaro, lo sfondo del menu a comparsa che appare premendo sui tre puntini verticali (in alto a destra) è scuro, mentre dovrebbe essere chiaro.
È un bug? Lo risolverete?
PS: why cannot I change the color of the yellow floating button? My custom theme is mainly light blue and the yellow doesn't match with my colors... :'(
Finally: sorry for any error. I'm not very good at English (because I'm Italian).