Apps permissions ???!!!

othman albanna

New Member
I published a simple app with RSS feed for two blogs , Instagram account and Twitter ..

my question is why the app has all these permissions ??

its just an articles to read , many users are afraid to download when they saw the Photos/media/files

I read that if this permission is the only one its OK , but if the app has more permissions like network and storage (( thats mean the app is harm ))

** excuse my bad english

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 1.44.39 PM.png


New Member
I think the permissions to see Storage Files are because when you write a post, you may add media, like photos and videos... So the app save them in your device storage.
I hope that I replied to your answare. ;)

Sorry for my bad English, too ;)


DarShaN PanDya

Active Member
The Permissions are there because All the others Modules' codes exist in the App but they are just Disabled...
This might be the Reason, I guess...

You can remove them!!