Apk no longer attached to Email. Download from Website instead


Support Team Member
Staff member
Apk is no longer attached to email due to Gmail block apk attachment. Website has been updated. Now you can download your newly build apk from Submit tab. Server will keep your apk for 24 hours on server for app builder to download

Please report back if you see any issue or have suggestion for this new implementation.

DarShaN PanDya

Active Member
1st Issue -
Even when the App can be Downloaded from the BUILD Tab, I even received the Zip attachment on my Gmail...
Remove mails completely :)

geo el pro bas

New Member
no man no apk come to my gmail also i need some copy from my last apk app please tell me what i have to do is it possible to download direct from site and for old app too ? or i can receve apl in other email or i forwarm your massage in my gmail to other email like yahoo mail please help:(


Active Member
Well, it can be better if the web shows a pop-up browser notification or send an e-mail with the link, like sign-up confirmations.

Oh, @appyet, please, take a look this following problem because doesn't work well. The app doesn't change the color and always the group text color shows in black :(


Thanks a lot! :)


New Member
Apk is no longer attached to email due to Gmail block apk attachment. Website has been updated. Now you can download your newly build apk from Submit tab. Server will keep your apk for 24 hours on server for app builder to download

Please report back if you see any issue or have suggestion for this new implementation.
@appyet Now couldn't download from the site too. Its not sending anything.


New Member
hello guys, i made some changes in my app after i had previously built the app...but the updated version of the app is unavailable for download. the previously version's link is still up in my build page..does that mean i must wait 24hours before a download link for the updated version can be created?


New Member
you don't seem to understand the issue at hand...after building and downloading the app, imagine i notice some errors in the app and decide to correct them and try to build the app again...***And this is just say, 1 hour after i downloaded the previous app*** now i can't build/download the new (corrected) app because the former link is still on my build page, and it will stay there for 24 hours before i can get the link for the new (corrected) app.