Ads aren't getting displayed


New Member
I had integrated my admob with a rss feed app i created, but the ads aren't showing. Need to know if i can choose the place where i can place ads and also would like to know how to ad interstitial ads.


Support Team Member
Staff member
I had integrated my admob with a rss feed app i created, but the ads aren't showing. Need to know if i can choose the place where i can place ads and also would like to know how to ad interstitial ads.
No interstitial or video ads are supported. Only banner ads are supported

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using AppYet


New Member
No interstitial or video ads are supported. Only banner ads are supported

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using AppYet

Banner ads are displaying like one time when i visit a hundred time, my admob account show 0 ad impression. my previous apps have more than 3 lakh downloads and earns around 20$ a day, so if i start promoting this app i will literally have no income.


New Member
why isn't the banner ads shown regularly? they appear only once or twice a day. can i change it? my ad refresh rate is set to 30 sec and unlimited we per user in admob account. would be great if you can do something about this


Support Team Member
Staff member
why isn't the banner ads shown regularly? they appear only once or twice a day. can i change it? my ad refresh rate is set to 30 sec and unlimited we per user in admob account. would be great if you can do something about this
it base on admob fill rate. do you have mediation turn on, if so, try turn it off. admob has good fill rate


New Member
look at the ad impression, ads are being showed, at least 3-5 ads per visit, and there is no impression or click. Are you guys showing your ads from your account or genuinely showing my ads ? Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 12.11.43 am.png


Support Team Member
Staff member
look at the ad impression, ads are being showed, at least 3-5 ads per visit, and there is no impression or click. Are you guys showing your ads from your account or genuinely showing my ads ? View attachment 182
any impression is 100% allocated to your ad unit id. any impression to AppYet will not show up in your report, since they are completely two different ad unit id and account


New Member
any impression is 100% allocated to your ad unit id. any impression to AppYet will not show up in your report, since they are completely two different ad unit id and account
That is what am i asking, only appyets ads are being showed ( your unit id and account), my account is not getting any impressions or clicks? Am so sick of trying this, feel like wasted hours making these apps. Bad service, help if you can.


Support Team Member
Staff member
what is your application package name? attach a admob screenshot where it show the Ad Unit Id

Vishnu Sharma

New Member
i Am facing the same problem. please help. My App id is Com.hindi.samachar and my adunit id is:ca-app-pub-4820744997064635/7048524483


New Member
Well, i am not able to support this issue as of now, i can see 140 impression and 0.10$ earning for today, while app is having only 12 active users for today till now.

Sure nothing depends on number of download, it depends on how many users actively using app and going to screen

More users will see that screen more impressions you will get

More time they will spend again more impression you will see.

Sent from my pWerus82


New Member
I'm having the same problem, ads are not displayed. I have a lot of active users and ads do not work out. As you can fix ?.
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