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  1. S

    Upgrade to Pro

    Hello, is the Upgrade to Pro for each account for $99 annually or only for one application? Is there anyone who upgraded and how was the result in profits and the difference, please answer
  2. S

    please create post how to complete the Data safety form in Play Console

    please create post how to complete the Data safety form in Play Console
  3. S

    Google accepted the appeal of one of my app

    Google accepted the appeal of one of my app What do I do to bring the app back to the store? How do I delete the incompatible version?
  4. S

    How is it added?

    مرحبًا ، يُرجى إضافة إدخالات AppYet app-ads.txt الرسمية التالية فورًا. إذا لم يتم اتخاذ إجراء بحلول 21 أبريل 2020 ، فسيتم تعطيل إعلاناتك ويمكن تعليق حسابك في AppYet مؤقتًا. شكرا لك ، AppYet