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  1. M

    Google Play banned any account i created

    from end of 2015 use appyet to create my apps every thing was very good but from start 2018 google play close all my developer accounts "REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations" google say that and close any account i created after first publish app I try to change every thing i use to open...
  2. M

    App Icon Problem

    I have Lenovo Phone with MIUI rom All apps created in appyet show in same icon i know that problem in my phone rom and i while change it but i thing that many phones run with roms like this and cant change it if there are any solicitation in appyet support team
  3. M

    What else ?

    Now in know that methods - >>>> play audio file - >>>> play video file - appyet.yotube:url >>>> open in youtube What else ? * appyet.web >>>> to force open feed in appyet browser * appyet.image >>> to open online image gallery * are like this methods found in appyet
  4. M

    SDK version attention from admob

    Get a message from admob talk about sdk version used in apps and from 17-10-2016 will stop all ads in app that SDK version 6.4.1 and lower what version of SDK used in appyet apps?
  5. M

    Last Version of appyet Apps make SYS_Recv Flood On my Server

    I have Apps make it in appyet This apps connect to my server to get Feeds when update all apps to last version get overload on my server i found all connection come from apps make SYS_RECV on my server that mean the apps dont close connection with server after get feeds any help for that ?