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  1. Req

    Firebase Integration Issue

    Firebase not updating information from the uploaded .jason file. How can this be solved, thanks.
  2. Req

    App Intent Issues: WhatsApp messenger not opening from My Appyet Application

    Hello Developers! Please look into the ability for the Appyet Applications to open external apps relating to the intended action. Example: WhatsApp chat, in the screenshot below, there's an error opening WhatsApp. Whereas in the previous version it works just fine by opening WhatsApp messenger...
  3. Req

    Policy issues - Persistent After Updating.

    App will not be available to new users on Android versions higher than your target API level App must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher Fix by Aug 31 (2 days away)
  4. Req

    Push Notifications and post notifications

    1, I want to know if push notification is working perfectly. 2, I noticed the App stopped giving notice for new blog posts. Any update?