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  1. Chris laverack

    LATEST: AppYet v4.2.7 Released

    My Rss feed images show and then disappear and do not return after each install ..they are very hit and miss @appyet
  2. Chris laverack

    Thumbnails not displaying

    Hey guys, Has anyone experienced this .. I have input a few sections into the app through the HTML feature The thing is the thumbnails are not showing on the menu (see screenshot) . The odd thing is when I have loaded the exact same file into my emulator on the laptop...the thumbnails are...
  3. Chris laverack

    Functions of Local Video, Audio and Image

    @appyet please can you direct me to a thread on how to setup the audio/video module please as i have searched but am having issues finding any information. thanks
  4. Chris laverack

    LATEST: AppYet v4.2.7 Released

    Push notifications is definetly something I would like my users to have but I am not entirely sure how to work firebase with appyet, if anyone has any experience with this can you please message me or forward a link to some tutorials . thankyou.
  5. Chris laverack

    LATEST: AppYet v4.2.7 Released

    @appyet will there be a short tutorial getting put anywhere for users to learn how to setup Firebase? Thanks Chris
  6. Chris laverack

    Heading pictures not showing properly

    Hey @appyet so an example of the issue is shown in the screenshots . In the article or web html module, I have a header with a picture of abraham Hicks, This is the same layout for alot of my web htmls. As you can see in other screen shot the thumbnails of the pictures are not showing on the...
  7. Chris laverack

    Heading pictures not showing properly

    Hey @appyet Just wanted to ask if you could let me know either way if you find any issues . Thanks guys. keep up the great work. chris
  8. Chris laverack

    Heading pictures not showing properly Hey @appyet not sure if this is the right link but here it is anyway. thanks
  9. Chris laverack

    Heading pictures not showing properly

    I do mean the thumbnails on the media articles I have put together.
  10. Chris laverack

    The Omnipresence app

    Hey, So because I do not have a Gplay dev account yet I have it on getjar for the time being. You can download here: Thanks @appyet Ps any feedback would be awesome! :)
  11. Chris laverack

    Heading pictures not showing properly

    Hey Guys, So I have noticed as I have been putting together media/web modules that the thumbnail does not show, rather it does when it first loads up after initial install but after that they dissappear, I have tried various things to rectify this but with no luck. Could this be a bug @appyet ...
  12. Chris laverack

    Question Help

    Yes you can, you can create an RSS feed through the search module option at the bottom of the page, 1- Copy the web address of the you tube channel you would like to feed in to the app. 2 - Use the search feed option at the bottom of your page, Insert web address. 3 - If there is a feed...
  13. Chris laverack

    The Omnipresence app

    @codeloving I would be more than happy to help, what part are you having trouble with?
  14. Chris laverack

    The Omnipresence app

    A central hub for the spiritual community, providing tips, tools and information to aid the community on there journey. Please leave feedback
  15. Chris laverack

    Youtube feed limit 10-15 videos

    Hey @appyet thanks It's the same with every feed url for videos. But I've posted screenshots and the links below.
  16. Chris laverack

    Youtube feed limit 10-15 videos

    Hi Guys, So I am using the feed finder search option in appyet but I am finding that the feed links will only pull around 10-15 latest videos from that feed even though the setting are setup for the most recent 200. Is anyone else having this issue and if so is there a way to fix this? Thanks...
  17. Chris laverack

    Introducing "Movie Mania - Best App For Movies Downloading and Watch Online"

    What app did you use to create the pictures above? looks very very good and would like to do the same with my app for advertising purposes :)
  18. Chris laverack


    Im not entirely sure but maybe through the Firebase setup . Best check with @appyet though to be on the safe side
  19. Chris laverack

    What Appstores to publish to? I'm having problems.

    Thanks dude so amazon said they cant because there are to many source of info or something. Will take a look at he others thanks dude
  20. Chris laverack

    What Appstores to publish to? I'm having problems.

    Hi Guys So I am currently in the process of trying to get my app published. I currently do not have an google play developer acc (I wont be able to get one for sometime ). So I am looking all over the internet to find some app store to publish to. The issue is that most are asking for various...