Recent content by Zakariya-ZMK

  1. Z

    Tech Verge

    Simplify your tech discovery process with our app! Say goodbye to the hassle of visiting multiple websites for tech news, articles, reviews, and tutorials. Get everything you need in one convenient place from the most reputable sources and stay on top of the latest tech developments with...
  2. Z

    Tech Verge

    Simplify your tech discovery process with our app! Say goodbye to the hassle of visiting multiple websites for tech news, articles, reviews, and tutorials. Get everything you need in one convenient place from the most reputable sources and stay on top of the latest tech developments with...
  3. Z

    XDA Developers

    The World Famous XDA Developers forums need's a great app , for this we give you XDA Developers forums app Do you hate the browse or hate to Check the forums to search about something new or you Forgotten to do it? with this app you can browse the new by your phone and get the notification for...
  4. Z

    XDA Developers

    The World Famous XDA Developers forums need's a great app , for this we give you XDA Developers forums app Do you hate the browse or hate to Check the forums to search about something new or you Forgotten to do it? with this app you can browse the new by your phone and get the notification for...
  5. Z

    Multi Home page

    Hello How can make multi page same as home page ? Thanks