Recent content by OriginalD

  1. OriginalD

    Is there an option to have everything marked as read on first sync?

    I guess the main reason is so that they wont have potentially hundreds and hundreds of older articles to mark as read. If they have been following my site then they likely have read most of them.
  2. OriginalD

    Is there an option to have everything marked as read on first sync?

    Since nobody answered I'm guessing this is a no go? I'd hate for any new user to have hundreds of unread items the first launch...
  3. OriginalD

    Is there an option to have everything marked as read on first sync?

    I'm looking to make my app so that somebody that installed it will not have every single post on my feed as unread and only posts that get added after they install it...
  4. OriginalD

    Disqus shows number of comments, but after click no comments show

    Just like the title says. In the app it shows the correct number of comments but when you tap to comment it says that there are no comments. I believe it is a URL issue because in my Disqus admin there is a new discussion with this URL: When it should be this: Any ideas? Thank you for any...