Latest Changelog


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- Android: Fixed Google Play security alert "MoPub containing a security vulnerability..."
- Android: Upgraded support libraries


- Android: Fixed Google Play security report "unsafe implementation of the WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler"
- Android: Change search hint from "Search..." to "Search for articles", and also make it available for translation
- Android: Prevent Admob interstitial ad from showing when application closes. This will make sure application follow Admob guideline
- Android: Upgraded support libraries to latest version

- Android: Reset last IAD show time to now on user upgrade.
- Android: Fixed issue display hi-def Jpg image with embeded thumbnail
- Android: Fixed unable to sync some feeds url

- Android: Fixed Crash error on some devices


- Android: Upgraded third party libraries
- Android: Fixed Article View scroll issue on some devices (caused by "Android System WebView" version 45.0.2454.95)
- Android: Hide Refresh Menu Item when Web Module with Web Content type
- Android: Remove Left Menu Drawer when there are only one enabled module
- Android: Added Ads support for Facebook, Flurry and Mopub on top of existing Admob
- Android: Removed InMobi, MobFox and MMedia SDK (May bring them back depend on user demand in future release)
- Web: Increased max allow chars for Extra HTML Header
- Web: Changed Montize tab to support additional Ad Network


- Android: Improved Iad to reduce unnecessary iAd request with no impression
- Android: Fixed notification is not showing
- Android: Change Notification Icon background to match actionbar bgcolor
- Android: Change Notification to remove progress bar.
- Android: Change Notification to show new articles without waiting for images to complete download
- Android: Upgraded third party libraries

- Android: Fixed new format YouTube feed doesn't show YouTube thumbnail with play button
- Android: Fixed Feed Article share button don't behave as intended

- Android: New Map (MapBox) module (Beta)
- Android: New Twitter module (Beta)
- Android: Tweak application startup, reduce initial start up and resume time.
- Android: Bring back Feed: YouTube module button. It support new YouTube Feed formats:
- Android: Change Notification to Inbox Style, allow user to pull down notification to see first 5 items of downloaded new articles
- Android: Fixed IAD doesn't display on some of devices
- Android: Update all existing application to open All Unread Module when new article is synced

- Web: Setting Tab: Add option to hide/show Display Language in Settings Module
- Web: New Map (MapBox) module (Beta)
- Web: New Twitter module (Beta)
- Web: Default Icon Color
- Web: Settings Tab: it is now customizable to open a module (eg: All Unread module) when user click on Notification
- Web: Fixed Create new app from Template, uploaded icons are not created for new app

- Android: Explore Module: Apply icon color filter (tint) base on configuration in module setup
- Android: Improved Interstitial Ad implementation to reduce network bandwidth
- Android: Upgraded supported libraries
- Android: Feed Module: Fix multiple issues with context menu
- Android: Menu Drawer: Fix menu drawer badges are not updated in some cases
- Web: Reset server side cache when user make change to Monetize tab, with this change, users install newly built apk could see Ad removed right away. Exiting App users still need to wait UP TO 48 hours to see AD removed from their apps
- Web: Feed Module: New option to "Allow Delete" and "Show Share"

- Android: Explore Module: Fixed icon doesn't match menu drawer
- Android: Explore Module: Fixed layout issue on some devices
- Android: Float Action Button Color configurable through Theme
- Android: Feed Module: Feed Article List->Fixed Ad doesn't show on some devices

- Android: Fixed RTL Float Action Button layout issue

- Android: Fixed RTL Menu Drawer layout issue

- Android: Fixed embeded Web Module top overlap by toolbar
- Android: Fixed Feed/Forum added using Explore module are not highlighted in Menu Drawer when selected
- Android: Menu Drawer: Hide GroupDivider when there are no items under that group
- Android: Fixed Crash on start on Android 4.*

- Android: Fix when any of these modules ("Downloads"/"Settings"/"Explore") are on the first in the module list, it will cause application not able to get out of the dialog.
- Android: Feed list and article view and Forum thread view: auto hide actionbar when user scroll up to maximize article view
- Android: Added Float Action Button in Forum and Feed module
- Android: Fixed Amazon method limits issue.
- Android: Replaced existing Menu Drawer with Material Drawer
- Android: New tile layout in Feed Article List
- Android: Feed Module: Grid Layout: Changed grid size to better fit modern device screen sizes for both tablet and phone
- Android: Improved images load and display in list and grid views (improved performance and animation)
- Android: Added support Gif animation in Feed List/Grid view, Forum avator and Image Viewer
- Android: Fixed Forum Module configurations (OpenLinkExtBrowser, TextRTL and ViewImageOnTouch is not applied at initial install.
- Android: Fixed View Image on Touch sometimes doesn't open image in Image Viewer
- Android: Added ripple effect in list and grid view
- Android: Added Admob to be displayed in Feed List view
- Android: Added Admob Interstitial Ad.
- Android: Changed default module icon to match material design
- Android: Removed Wi-Fi only for article in Settings
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed mutiple RTL layout issues
- Web: Change Theme to match new Material Menu Drawer, some customization are removed or newly added
- Web: Monetize Tab: Removed Mediation Drop down options. Mediation is now part of regular Admob Ad Unit Id.
- Web: Monetize Tab: Added new option to input Admob Interstitial Ad Unit ID:
- Web: Removed Module Group Name, replace it with GroupDivider module.
- Web: Mobule->General Tab: Allow pick module icon from icon picker

- Android: Added pull down to "Sync now" feature on Menu Drawer, only enabled when "Sync now" module is available on Menu drawer.
- Android: Fixed Explore Feed search display <div... html as result.
- Android: Forum Module: Subscribed tab now include not only subscribed topics, but also subscribed/watched forums
- Android: To comply with YouTube term of use, we removed in-app YouTube Player, all YouTube will be played in System default YouTube app. Will try to find a solution in future release to bring back in-app YouTube player.
- Android/Web: Add feature to customize notification icon. and change default notification icon from app icon to "ic_whatshot_white"


- Android: Explore Module: Allow user to Search Feed, Search Podcast and Add Forum module.
- Android: Feed Module: Hide comments 0 count, only visible when comment count is > 0
- Web: Explore Module: Allow app builder to enable/disable Explore Module features


- Android: Explore Module: Fixed issue when removed Feed module, get re-added, feed count and article is not sync properly
- Android: Fixed when Default Display language is set to RTL, on first application start, it display as LTR, which result in layout issue.
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Feed article title and description are not updated when Feed article are changed
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed 1 pixel image is displayed as thumbnail in WordPress feed
- Android: Updated jquery library from 1.8.3 to 2.1.3
- Android: Change pull down refresh to lollipop style
- Android: Web Module: Fixed Web Module cookie issue
- Android: New feature to allow download image in Image Viewer.
- Android: Download Module: Fixed file name extension duplicate.

- Android: Fixed V2 template build failed issue
- Android: Fixed sync new article Toast message display
- Android: Improved sync performance
- Android: Reduce the height of Web view progressbar from 3dip to 2dip
- Android: Web Module: Always hide backward and forward web navigation button from actionbar and only show in popup menu
- Android: Web Module: Added refresh/cancel button
- Android: Forum Browse tab use Read (Gray)/Unread (Dark) color to indicated if there are any unread topics
- Android: Changed actionbar icons and fixed color icon color to match background
- Android: Fixed Settings background changed to white when user change theme actionbar to light color
- Android: Fixed Crash error when Color is set to empty in Theme
- Android: Web Module: Implemented WebView Upload for all versions except (Android 4.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2 Due to bug:
- Android: Web Module: Fixed WebView download xhtml document instead of browse to it.
- Website: Create v3 from Template failed when user define "User-defined UI String Resources"
- Website: Changed Feed Query input from 1000 to 4000 in max length

- Android: Fixed crash issue when application doesn't contain forum module

- Android: Fixed Webview top area is not click-able
- Android: Fixed Module still show up on hidden Menu Drawer when State = Added and Hidden
- Android: Fixed issue gray bar at the bottom of hidden menu drawer on some devices without soft navigation bar (like Galaxy S5 lollipop etc)
- Android: Fixed issue customized Strings are not displayed on Activity title
- Website: Changed build queue system from Last In First Out (LIFO) to Last In Last Out (LILO). Removed Bump Queue. Show Quote Position and Estimate Time when build begin
- Website: Fix some apps are failed to build. (there are still more apps failing to build, we are still working on this issue)

- Android: Updated Nederlands (Dutch) language support (Thanks to Tim Vervoort)
- Android: Updated Hrvatski (Croatian) language support (Thanks to Kruno K. and Stijepo Jokic)
- Android: Updated Slovenščina (Slovenian) language support (Thanks to Boštjan Orban)
- Android: Updated עברית (Hebrew) language support (Thanks to Shlomi Porush)
- Android: Updated Limba română (Romanian) language support (Thanks to Daniel Görög and Ferdis Cocîi)
- Android: Updated ខ្មែរ (Khmer) language support (Thanks to Pongsametrey S.)


- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Podcast playback control dialog RTL layout issue
- Android: Change Default Light theme actionbar color and menu drawer background color
- Android: Fixed missing Explorer module
- Android: Fixed Feed module and Menu Drawer RTL layout issue for device older than Android 4.2
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed Grid layout overlap in RTL language on some devices (
- Android: Explore Module: Fixed incorrectly display Explore title as Display
- Android: Explore Module: Fixed add or modify exiting Explore and State settings are not reflected correctly in left menu during user newly install or upgrade
- Android: Fixed Display language change from Türkçe (Turkish) to any other language, or any other language change to Türkçe (Turkish), cause application to start with blank screen.
- Android: Fixed mutiple RTL language layout issue in Download Module/Forum Module
- Android: Further tweak Feed sync performance
- Android: Improved algorithm to detect hi-def thumbnail for Feed layout views (List, Card Magazine etc)
- Android: Feed Module: Improved extraction youtube thumbnail
- Android: Website: Fixed https forum module creation validation problem
- Android: Updated Galego (Galician) language support (Thanks to Xesús M. Mosquera Carregal)
- Android: Updated Русский (Russian) language support (Thanks to Artem Rez)
- Android: Updated Français (French) language support (Thanks to Mourad H)
- Android: Updated Slovenščina (Slovenian) language support (Thanks to Boštjan Orban)
- Android: Updated Suomi (Finnish) language support (Thanks to Rami Aalto)
- Android: Updated हिन्दी (Hindi) language support (Thanks to Parth Chamaria)
- Android: Updated Limba română (Romanian) language support (Thanks to Daniel Görög)


This is a major upgrade for V3. Please try it out and send us feedback and suggestions.

- Android: Forum Module: Major upgrade for TapaTalk forum module (ton of new features), too many to list all new features. Please create your app and try it out.
- Android: New Explore Module allow user to add/remove module
- Android: Feed Module: Fixed RTL layout issue in none Arabic language
- Android: Feed Module: Default open link in system default browser
- Android: Feed module: Fixed missing article styling when feed url starts with https://
- Android: Feed Module: Fully support RTL display for all version of Android
- Android: Feed Module: New Card Magazine layout and Card List layout
- Android: Feed Module: Improved parsing embedded YouTube using
- Android: Download Module: User can cancel downloading podcast
- Android: Download Module: User can open file as (Audio/Video/Image/Text/Other)
- Android: Web Module: implemented page not found. (Thanks to Joseph Raphael for providing sample)
- Android: Setting Module: Added colored actionbar to be consistent with rest of application
- Android: Better support RTL, for Android 4.2 and above, application itself support RTL mirroring. Menu Drawer now will be hidden on the right side of the screen
- Android: Improved left and right menu drawer shadow length and depth
- Android: Fixed long url links word wrap issue on Forum Module posts view and Feed Module article view
- Android: Improved http connection caching, result in faster in-app web browsing and Forum module operations
- Android: Updated multiple support libraries
- Android: Fix left hidden menu padding issue when RTL languages is selected
- Android: Allow hiding left menu on tablet
- Android: New Forums settings option, user can customize signature, posts per page
- Android: Improved Notification Display to be consistent with new style and theme

- Android: Updated Català (Catalan) language support (Thanks to Sergi Alonso Paredes)
- Android: Updated Lietuvių kalba (Lithuanian) language support (Thanks to Egidijus Lukošius)
- Android: Updated Slovenčina (Slovak) language support (Thanks to Tomáš Ďurana)
- Android: Updated Italiano (Italian) language support (Thanks to Paolo Lagalante and Angelo Ruggieri)
- Android: Updated ภาษาไทย (Thai) language support (Thanks to chajang)
- Android: Updated Português (Portuguese) language support (Thanks to Pedro Fernandes)
- Android: Updated Suomi (Finnish) language support (Thanks to Rami Aalto)
- Android: Updated Español (Spanish) language support (Thanks to Eduardo Lobo and David Sandoval)
- Android: Updated Français (French) language support (Thanks to Rami Debab and Mourad H)
- Android: New Slovenščina (Slovenian) language support (Thanks to Boštjan Orban)
- Android: Updated Deutsch (German) language support (Thanks to Cuex)
- Android: Updated فارسی (Persian) language support (Thanks to mohammad)
- Android: Updated Nederlands (Dutch) language support (Thanks to Tim Vervoort)
- Android: Updated ქართული (Georgian) language support (Thanks to Amiran Ghavtadze)
- Android: Updated Bahasa melayu (Malay) language support (Thanks to Mohd Shafiq Mat Daud)
- Android: Updated Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese) language support (Thanks toWashington Junior)
- Android: Updated हिन्दी (Hindi) language support (Thanks to Parth Chamaria)
- Android: Updated Русский (Russian) language support (Thanks to Artem Rez)
- Android: Updated मराठी (Marathi) language support (Thanks to Radial Apps)
- Android: Updated Norsk (Norwegian) language support (Thanks to Kev Robin Kristoffersen)
- Android: Updated Hrvatski (Croatian) language support (Thanks to Kruno K.)
- Android: Updated العربية (Arabic) language support (Thanks to Hamad Adhbiyah and Joseph Raphael)
- Android: Updated Čeština (Czech) language support (Thanks to Daniel Kasal)
- Android: Updated Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) language support (Thanks to Akang Izulthea)
- Android: Updated Eesti keel (Estonian) language support (Thanks to Lawrence Callaghan)

- Web: All Modules: New Explore/Added options, allow user to add/remove a module using Explore from Menu Drawer.
- Web: Feed Modules: Allow customize open link either in system default browser or in-app browser
- Web: Increased allowable app icon size to max 192px
- Web: Theme->Action Bar: removed Foreground Color option, foreground is new auto calculated base on background color.
Last edited:


why appyet do not give any response to the user's question? ??
last posting on dec 5 by appyet, are you still there???