Recent content by DarkUFO

  1. DarkUFO

    LATEST: AppYet v4.2.6 Released

    I can't get the Bundle file. Whenever I build and get the email, I click the Bundle link but the link says it's expired already.
  2. DarkUFO

    Newbei here. I need help for I can't understand anything.

    Appyet is dead. It is no longer supported. There have been no updates for a year and no support.
  3. DarkUFO

    Admob ads share is tweaked not getting any revenue

    Appyet is dead. It is no longer supported. There have been no updates for a year and no support.
  4. DarkUFO

    google play console Warnings API level
  5. DarkUFO

    google play console Warnings API level

    It's a major law that came into effect on 25th May. You need to ensure you sites, app forum etc are all gdpr compliant for anyone who visits your site from Europe. There are very large fines for those that are not. I strongly suggest you read up on it ASAP I can't believe you've not...
  6. DarkUFO

    google play console Warnings API level

    I think you mean GDPR. It's the European General data protection regulations
  7. DarkUFO


    I believe Appyet is no longer supported. There has been no active development on it for over a year
  8. DarkUFO

    Updates are not working

    Same issue here
  9. DarkUFO

    [AppYet 3.x] Requested Features List

    Thanks for this great list. Could you add the following request please. Explorer section - Ability to rename a feed after you have added a feed manually via the Explore function.
  10. DarkUFO

    AppYet v3.1.9 Released

    Please look to add a rename feed for the Explore section. I can't wait to let our users use this but without the rename option I can't enable it as it makes it unusable when all our feeds come out with the same name.
  11. DarkUFO

    AppYet Latest Development Demo

    Will the ability to rename manually added feeds from the explore menu be added anytime soon. It's stopping us rolling this out to our 1000+ users
  12. DarkUFO

    [REQ] - Ability to rename a feed

    Anyone from @appyet ?
  13. DarkUFO

    Does the app is free for all

    Yes, it is free.
  14. DarkUFO

    [REQ] - Ability to rename a feed

    Any news on if this will be available in the near future?